Apex Legends often likes to showcase new maps or map updates at the beginning of a Season, and Season 12: Defiance is no different. While the full season Battle Royale map rotation includes two other maps, for the first week of the Season, it’s Sabotaged Olympus all the time. If players log in during this week, they can also unlock Octane if they haven’t, and get three free Octane Thematic Packs.

Olympus is the only map in play to get any sort of update this season. Between two brand-new Points of Interest (POIs), and several updated old POIs, there will be plenty to explore over the course of the first week. The new POIs that are must-see drop locations are the Phase Driver between Bonsai Plaza and Hydroponics, and Terminal, between Bonsai Plaza and Hammond Labs.

Once the other maps come back into rotation, you can if you want to keep exclusively playing Olympus. The first half of the Ranked Split is on Olympus, so if you prefer that map, you can play it in Ranked Leagues even when it is out of the main rotation until the split changes over mid-season.

For more Apex Legends content, check out Ranked Split map rotation for Apex Legends Season 12: Defiance on Pro Game Guides.