You may have mastered a barrel roll in your airplane, but can you do one in a car? In the video game Saints Row, it’s not only possible but necessary to master barrel roll in a car in Saints Row if you want to survive. You can become a pro at doing barrel rolls in your car and unleash death and destruction on your enemies with some practice. So let’s get started!

Can you do a barrel roll in a car in Saints Row?

Saints Row is a game series known for its over-the-top action and outlandish gameplay. So it’s no surprise that one of the most popular features in Saints Row is the ability to do barrel rolls in a car. Whether you’re trying to impress your friends or show off your mad driving skills, performing a barrel roll in Saints Row is a great way to do it.

First, you need a car with good handling. The better the handling, the easier it will be to control the vehicle during a barrel roll. Second, you need to find a ramp or other object that will give you enough airtime to complete the 360-degree rotation. And finally, you need to have good timing – if you’re not in the air for long enough, you won’t be able to complete the rotation and will end up overturning your car.

While performing a barrel roll in any car is possible, the Smelterville East area provides the perfect opportunity to show off. A canal lining the top of the site forms a deep halfpipe, and there is also a ramp at one spot, which lets players make the jump. The long high fall after the clean landing gives this ramp plenty of airtime to perform the Barrel Roll.

The rewards for completing a barrel roll in a car are twofold. First, you get the satisfaction of knowing that you just accomplished something remarkable. Second, Third, and Finally, Many of the vehicles in Saints Row require the player to perform a Barrel Roll three times with that vehicle to acquire their Signature Ability.

Saints Row: How to do a 360 Spin in a car

How to do a barrel roll in a car in Saints Row?

Now that you know what you need to do a barrel roll in a car, it’s time to learn how to do it. While the barrel roll may seem like a complicated move, it’s pretty simple once you get the hang of it.

First, approach your ramp or jump at a moderate speed. If you’re going too fast, you’ll risk crashing and damaging your car.  If you’re going too slow, you won’t have enough speed to make it all the way around.

As you approach the ramp or jump, start to veer to the left or right. It will help you get some extra height and rotation.

When you’re about halfway up the ramp or jump, start to rotate your car. You can do this by using the right joystick on your controller.

As you reach the apex of the jump, continue to rotate your car until it’s upside down.

Once you’re upside down, start to level out your car so you can land safely on the other side.

And that’s it! With little practice, you’ll be doing barrel rolls in your car like a pro in no time. Just remember to keep your vehicle under control, and you’ll be good to go.

Happy barrel rolling!

Saints Row is launching on August 23, 2022, for the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Google Stadia, and PC via Epic Games Store.