Late last year, the talented team at Skunkape Games created the first remaster for the point-and-click Sam and Max series, namely for Sam and Max: Save the World. While it mostly went under the radar, those who played it loved it considerably. To the point where with roughly 700 Steam reviews, the game currently sits at 88% positive. For a studio that hasn’t seen public stardom in a while, and a classic game even to its stature, that’s a big achievement and was a success. It seems today, the team wishes to continue that trend. Through a trailer released today, Sam and Max: Beyond Time and Space is getting a remaster, currently setting its sights on a December 8 release date for Nintendo Switch, PC, and Xbox platforms!
Sam and Max: Beyond Time and Space follows the titular duo in their next biggest adventure through, well, time and space! I’m going to spare you any terrible puns I could subject you to here, and leave you simply with the official website’s description:
Yeah, that’s a tough one to describe, to begin with. For the remaster of Sam and Max: Beyond Time and Space though, you can expect heavily enhanced visuals from its counterpart well over a decade ago. Getting a bit more technical though, the game is being given a serious overhaul to its optimization. This includes proper aspect ratios for modern screens, alongside many other performance improvements. Plus audio has been uncompressed, letting it run free and up the download size a bit, in trade for some much higher quality audio.
Zombies will dance. Mariachis will sing. A giant battle robot will trash the streets. And when their friends’ lives are on the line, Sam & Max will risk their very souls to set things right.”
All in all, this will likely be the new best way to play Sam and Max: Beyond Time and Space. If you plan to play this remaster when it releases next month, be sure to let me know!