Alongside the Galaxy S21 series, Samsung has also launched the long-rumored Galaxy Buds Pro. It’s the company’s new pair of TWS earbuds, a successor to the Galaxy Buds Live that launched earlier last year. Galaxy Buds Pro support an in-ear design, active noise cancelation (ANC), up to 28-hours of battery life, and more.
Starting off with the design, the Galaxy Buds Pro look like they are an amalgamation of the Buds Plus and Buds Live. The company is ditching the half in-ear design of the Buds Live and returning to the in-ear design, which offers a better fit and improved passive noise isolation. The earbuds look shiny on the outside and come in a square charging case – the same as the Buds Live. The design of the earbuds is closer to the Buds Plus though.
As per the blog post, the Galaxy Buds Pro have three microphones and a Voice Pickup Unit (VPU) to enable active noise cancelation. The latter ensures you are heard clearly during a call and the Wind Shield technology, along with the new shape, filters out any unwanted wind interference.
Samsung has priced the Galaxy Buds Pro at $199 (~Rs. 7,250) in the US, which is $30 more than the previous-gen Galaxy Buds Live. It comes in three color variants, namely Phantom Black, Phantom Silver, and Phantom Violet. It will be available to buy in select markets starting from 15th January.