Samsung is gearing up to launch its next-gen Galaxy Watch series in the market in the coming months, and we have already seen several rumors surrounding the upcoming smartwatches. Now, according to evidence discovered in the Samsung Health app, we have the official names of the upcoming Galaxy Watch models. It is also revealed that Samsung might eliminate the Galaxy Watch Classic series. Check out the details right below.
According to a recent report 9to5Google, apart from updating the Galaxy Watch 4 recently, Samsung also pushed a beta update for the Samsung Health App, taking the version number to Although the update did not add any new features to the app, it added support for Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy Watch 5 and 5 Pro smartwatches.
Now, it is worth noting that there is no mention of a Galaxy Watch 5 Classic in the Samsung Health app. This leads us to believe that Samsung might discontinue the Galaxy Watch Classic series with the launch of the Galaxy Watch 5 series.