Samsung followed Apple’s lead and began selling its high-end Galaxy S series without a charging adapter in the box. Many OEMs, including Xiaomi, followed suit to help cut down the carbon footprint. Now, the rumor has it that Samsung might follow a similar strategy and stop offering a charger in the box, even for its affordable smartphones, which might not be a likable decision. Here’s what we know.
A recent leak (courtesy of Yogesh Brar) suggests that Samsung might stop shipping its Galaxy A and Galaxy M smartphones with an in-box charger. That means users will only get a charging cable with the budget Samsung phones they will opt for in the future.
12 5G bands support on Samsung Galaxy F23…No in-box chargers for upcoming M & A series models— Yogesh Brar (@heyitsyogesh) March 7, 2022
This could even see people refrain from going for a Samsung smartphone in this scenario, considering they will have to spend more and the company might lose ground to rivals like Realme, Xiaomi, and more who still offer an in-box charger.