Samsung has seemingly confirmed that it will unveil the Galaxy Fold 2 alongside the Galaxy Note 20 on August 5th. On Sunday, the company tweeted “A new look unfolds. 05.08.2020” with a short video that suggests the possible announcement of the foldable phone. Do note that Samsung did not reveal the name of the handset. However, the mention of the word ‘Fold’ suggests that company is, indeed, prepping to unveil the Galaxy Fold 2 on that day.
A new look unfolds. 05.08.2020
The Galaxy Fold 2 will reportedly bring a lot of changes as compared to the first-generation Fold. It is expected to feature two displays. While the external one is said to be 6.23-inches, the internal one is said to be a 7.59-inch 120Hz unit. The phone will reportedly be powered by the Snapdragon 865. It will also apparently ship with 12GB RAM and up to 512GB of internal storage.