The developers of stylish action-platformer SANABI are inviting players to experience the prologue chapter on Steam for free before launch. The demo is available now and is up until the game launches on Steam Early Access later this year. Until then, players have the chance to play the first few stages of the game.

The brand new trailer for SANABI‘s prologue details more of the game’s story, as well as Mago City’s business district. The trailer also highlights the newly added rope ability, allowing for quick movement around the map. Also shown is the new Monster Warrior.

Check out the prologue demo trailer below.


In SANABI, you take control of a legendary (but retired) military veteran. As the story goes, you are called upon for one last job: to ascend a mega-city ruled by a corrupt conglomerate. The mission is to hunt down an entity known as “SANABI” and uncover the city’s dark corporate secrets.

The main gameplay hook is the protagonist’s prosthetic arm. An arm that, funnily enough, has a chain hook attached to it. The prosthetic arm mechanic allows for swift movement around the world, as well as a quick way to dispose of the various enemies. With this, players can easily traverse over hills and skyscrapers and use it to avoid traps and enemy fire. The demo is the perfect chance to get hands-on with the mechanic and test it out.

All of this takes place in a dystopian cyberpunk mega-city known as MAGO. MAGO is a high-tech city under corrupt rule. However, after a sudden blackout, all of the citizens have disappeared. It is up to the player to explore the city and uncover what happened.

Along the way, players meet a hacker named Mari. The hacker can unlock doors, reveal enemy weaknesses, and uncover encrypted data. She is a reliable ally and might just be the key to finding SANABI.

The prologue demo for SANABI features just the first few levels of the game, so it is unclear as to how much you can play around with the mechanics.

Play the demo now

The demo for SANABI is available now on Steam. Get in on it before the Early Access launch later this year.