A few months ago, the team at Coffee Stain Studios announced that they were bringing their game Satisfactory to Steam. This follows a year after the game originally released on the Epic Games Store and given the desire for a Steam release, players were excited. That day is finally upon us, and you can now purchase Satisfactory on Steam! Not only that, but there’s a 10% off sale for the game. Anyone who wants to hop in and try it can snag it for cheaper than usual, making this a great time to hop in and give the game a go. The team took to their social media to announce the news and even made a trailer showcasing the game.

Satisfactory puts you in the shoes of an unnamed worker sent onto planet MASSAGE-2(A-B)b, a planet filled with many rich resources. You’ll use these resources to build various complex and intricate structures to carry out your automation needs. You’ll use conveyor belts, pipes, and even vehicles to transfer things from one place to another. There are even some cute little animals, so what more could you ask for? With a massive amount to do and so many possibilities, Satisfactory provides an experience like no other. With it now available on Steam, so many other players will have the chance to experience it themselves.

This release comes as Steam Early Access, meaning the game is still in development and isn’t ready for full release. The main reasoning the team gives is the mass of possible updates this kind of game can receive. With that in mind, the team wants help to figure out what to add next and what the community would want to be changed. If you have the chance to play, be sure to let the developers know your thoughts. You might just be able to help shape the factories you’ll be building next.

Satisfactory looks to be an excellent game for automation fans, and we recommend you check out the game when you have the chance. What are your initial impressions of Satisfactory? Anything that stands out to you so far? Let us know, and stay tuned at The Nerd Stash for all your news, reviews, and more!