Our Saviors of Uldum Secret Mage Deck List Guide takes a look at this possible archtype in the new expansion for Hearthstone’s Year of the Dragon. This style of deck has been around for a long time, and it looks to make a return to greatness with a bunch of new powerful cards joining its arsenal.

Mage has had a lot of success slinging spells and being aggressive in past expansions. In Saviors of Uldum, it looks to go back to this type of play but with the return to more Secret synergies. While it currently lacks the extremely powerful stuff like Mad Scientist , Arcanologist , and Kabal Crystal Runner , it might just have enough new stuff to make the deck work.

The biggest question for Secret Mage is if it can live without Mana Wyrm . While it is still in the format, it becoming a 2-mana cost card makes it a lot weaker and can likely spell doom for a deck that looks to get in damage early in the game.

Secret Mage Deck List

This deck was played by Alliestrasza at the Blizzard Saviors of Uldum Theorycrafting event. It’s an early build, so expect some changes to come in the near future as players figure out how-to better construct it.

Secret Mage Mulligan Guide

Always Keep

  • Secretkeeper
    • Your absolutely primary keep and one of the more powerful cards in your deck. This is extremely good if you can pair it with a couple of Secrets early in the game, and will give your opponent headaches if they can’t deal with it.
  • Ancient Mysteries
    • This can really start making things happen early in the game. If you pair this with your early Secretkeeper or Sunreaver Spy, you can get a minion or two that will be way ahead of the curve.
  • Sunreaver Spy
    • Not as good as Secretkeeper, but when paired with a coined Ancient Mysteries, you can somewhat reliably get the buff and have a 3/4 for 2-mana on the board which is great.

Situational Keeps

  • Kirin Tor Mage
    • Only really keep if you’ve got the curve for it. If you have Secretkeeper and Ancient Mysteries, that’s the absolute ideal scenario for this card. You’ll obviously need a Secret in hand to get the most out of this trio, but that should be a likely scenario.
  • Arcane Flakmage
    • This is much better if you can either coin it out or play it on an empty board. It’s also good if we have the 0-cost Secret from Ancient Mysteries. You don’t have to play it right away, so you can wait to get value out of it the following turn.

General Gameplay Tips

We’re looking to take the board early on and beat up our opponent a bit with some low cost minions that can gain stats as we play Secrets. The Secrets will hopefully slow down our opponent enough to continue to pile on the advantage and get us to the mid-game where we can burst them down with spells.

Secretkeeper is a potential key to this deck and can aggressively takeover the game if given the chance. If we can pair this with Ancient Mysteries on turn two, we should likely be in a good spot. This gives us a chance to play an additional Secret on turn three, or we can even get Kirin Tor Mage on the board with another free Secret. Sunreaver Spy can also work in these scenarios, but is obviously a bit more clunky.

Arcane Flakmage is an interesting card, and could be our saving grace against decks that go wide on the board. You don’t want to really play it unless you are going to get some value out of it, which is why it pairs so well with the 0-cost Secret from Ancient Mysteries. Play that Secret right away is not always going to be the right play, you might want to save it a turn to get value out of Flakmage, or to guarantee a buff on Secretkeeper or Sunreaver Spy.

This deck also runs a card package that can win us games into the mid-to-late game. This includes Archmage Antonidas and Ray of Frost . You can get quite a few Fireballs out of Antonidas with the Twinspell mechanic. We’ve also got Cloud Prince as removal, but also as a card that can deal face damage.

Other Card Choices

There’s quite a bit of stuff you can play in this deck if you want to switch things up. Subject 9 seems like it could be an obvious choice, it synergizes well with the deck and gives you some additional mid-game firepower. Masked Contender is also a possibility as a synergistic early game minion that has pretty good stats. If you wanted to go with this package, you’d likely cut the Archmage Antonidas (Ray of Frost as well) and Stargazer Luna from the deck.

Saviors of Uldum Deck Guides Coverage

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There’s also a question of which Secrets you should run. You can cut out one or two of them, and throw in a Spellbender . Sorcerer’s Apprentice is another card to consider, it is pretty much a mainstay in most Mage decks, so it could possibly find a home in this deck.