XEL is a Zelda-like sci-fi action-adventure game developed by Tiny Roar where you will play as main protagonist Reid. Our player character is in the beautiful world of XEL after a shipwreck occurred.  She has no former recollective memories of who she is. Now needing to discover her identity while traversing the breathtaking world. There may even be links to the world of XEL for our brave protagonist but that is for you, the player, to discover.

Reid has a myriad of defensive capabilities and you can utilize the diverse and in-depth combat system for dispatching dangerous foes on the way of your journey. Mechanics such as being able to dodge and parry attacks bring depth to the system. Upgrading equipment is a surefire way to see the combat excel into the upper echelons. Following the way of the Zelda games, there will be a lot of dungeon exploring and traversal across the environment. Reid will be able to use a range of gadgets along the way to open up new areas to explore for example.

A New World

Not only that but lore and discovery will be a strong foundation and root for XEL. Among other avenues, players will be able to unearth the cryptic history behind the world of XEL.

The world itself is one of sheer beauty as players will no doubt be able to see from the visuals within the trailer, there is a vast array of flora and fauna for each individual to see on their path through the lands of pristine vibrant colors shimmering around them. Reid will be venturing forth onto not only a world of mystery but into a world of beauty.