If I’m being honest, there are few games this year that I found myself enjoying, and even fewer that I’d put on a top 10 list. That’s not to say games this year have been bad, but few have left a memorable impression on me. If anything, indie games have been a true winner for me this year. One indie game though stands above the rest for me as being one of the most memorable indie games I’ve played. That game is ScourgeBringer, which has been in Early Access for some time. Today, that changes. ScourgeBringer is now available on PC, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch for $15. You can watch the brutally beautiful launch trailer below.

ScourgeBringer tells the story of Kyhra, a young girl who serves as the warrior of her clan. This world is devastated by evil beings, all stopping at nothing to bathe the world in chaos. As this warrior, it’s up to you to venture into the large tower in the sky, slicing through anything that stands in your way. Using everything at your disposal along your journey, you’ll slice through thousands of foes in your quest. Along the way, Kyhra will learn more about herself and the world around her, in her quest to rid this world of evil. Will she be able to stop it?

This may sound pretty simple and bland compared to other titles, but ScourgeBringer is anything but bland. This high-octane roguelike has you slashing and dashing to beats reminiscent of both modern DOOM titles. It’s an incredibly fun title, with my only issues having been content and enemy variety on the Early Access release. Given they’ve doubled the number of worlds in the game though, I have no doubts those issues have been fixed.