Its been known for some time in the Sea of Thieves community that a Steam release was imminent. Specifically yesterday, a video released by the Sea of Thieves development team said the release date would be coming “very soon”. Despite that, I don’t think anyone expected it to be this quick. Announced today through Rare and Xbox’s social media channels, Sea of Thieves comes to Steam on June 3rd. The game’s Steam page has been up for a few weeks, and you can wishlist the game here to know just when it goes live.

Sea of Thieves brings the ultimate pirating experience. You create your pirate, then set sail on various quests. Do you want to deliver cargo? You can do that. Is solving riddles and digging up treasure something you want to do? That’s available to. There’s so much to do and explore in this vast world, and it’s only getting bigger as time goes on. The game gets at least one update a month, and each one brings more permanent content for you to try. There’s never been a better time to try the game. If you don’t have the game already, be sure to try Sea of Thieves when it releases on Steam.

I’ve had the chance to play the game over the past few weeks, and it has been an absolute blast. Even with just one other friend you can do and accomplish so much in the game, and battling other pirates never gets old. They recently introduced an emissary system along with a better Arena mode, and there’s a new update coming next week. If you’ve been looking for something new to try over the past little while, Sea of Thieves is the place to start. Will you be hopping into Sea of Thieves when it releases on Steam? What do you think of the game if you’ve played it already? Let us know, and stay tuned here at The Nerd Stash for all your news, reviews, and more!