Another neutral minion has been unveiled from Hearthstone’s upcoming expansion, The Boomsday Project.

Seaforium Bomber is a five-mana neutral minion with five attack and five health. It also has a Battlecry ability that allows you to shuffle a Bomb into your opponent’s deck. When that Bomb is drawn, it explodes and deals five damage.

This card could be decent—but it’s still a little too early to tell exactly how Seaforium Bomber will play since all of the expansion’s cards haven’t been introduced yet. Several cards revealed from The Boomsday Project so far have been about drawing from your deck, so it’s interesting that Blizzard is also adding a counter to that.

Another card that’s similar to Seaforium Bomber is Iron Juggernaut, which is a six-mana 6/5 Mech with a Battlecry that shuffles a Mine into your opponent’s deck—and when it’s drawn, it deals 10 damage.

Seaforium Bomber could also combo well with another new card from this upcoming expansion: Augmented Elekk. This three-mana minion has an ability that activates whenever you shuffle a card into a deck and allows you to shuffle in an extra copy of that card. So, if you summoned Seaforium Bomber with Augmented Elekk on your field, you could shuffle two Bombs into your opponent’s deck that would deal damage whenever they’re drawn.

The Boomsday Project is the second expansion of the current Standard year, the Year of the Raven. This set will add 135 cards to the game, including new keywords like Magnetic. Hearthstone players can already preorder this expansion—and all of the cards will become available on Aug. 7.