A few years ago, fans of the reality TV series Kate & Jon Plus 8 witnessed the drama that ensued between Kate Gosselin and her 18-year-old son, Collin. Sadly, the latter’s strained relationship with his mom affected his bond with his seven siblings. But recently, Collin Gosselin’s estranged siblings received a touching message from their brother. Here are the details of Collin Gosselin’s emotional message.
Collin On His Relationship With His Siblings
Recently, Collin sat down with ET‘s Kevin Frazier and opened up about his bond with his seven estranged siblings. The reality TV star, one of the Gosselin sextuplets, made it known that he had not spoken to his sisters and brothers for about five or six years. According to Collin, it had been a tough couple of years.
But despite everything that has happened between them, Collin still expressed his desire to have a relationship with his siblings. However, Collin Gosselin’s estranged siblings should not be expecting their brother to reach out. During the chat, Collin confessed that he had decided to respect his siblings’ space and their feelings toward everything.
According to him, he preferred to refrain from invading their space by not reaching out. Instead, he was willing to wait for the day they would finally reach out patiently. More than anything, the reality star would love to talk and have dinner with his brothers and sisters like many others.
Collin Expresses Love For His Siblings
Even though Collin has not been in touch with his siblings for years, he still feels affection toward them. Speaking to Kevin, Collin admitted to loving his siblings to death. According to him, he was willing to put his parents aside and focus on a beautiful reunion with his brothers and sisters.
The reality TV star further relayed that they were a big happy family at some point. So, he would love to see them, and someday, when he has kids, his children will know their aunts and uncles. Hopefully, Collin Gosselin’s emotional message touches his siblings’ hearts, as fans cannot wait to see them together again.