Just a month after launching its Momentum Wireless 3 headphones in India, German audio company, Sennheiser, has expanded its portfolio in the country with the launch of a new high-end soundbar that was originally unveiled more than a year ago at CES 2019. Called the Ambeo Soundbar, the device is powered by 13 high-end drivers (six woofers, five tweeters and two top-firing full-range speakers) that help it deliver a 5.1.4 sound experience while also producing a deep 30Hz bass without the need for an extra sub-woofer.
The Sennheiser Ambeo Soundbar supports HDMI eARC, 4K and Dolby Vision passthrough and Bluetooth 4.2 connectivity. While it does have built-in Chromecast, there’s no support for aptX HD, as it only supports SBC and the AAC codecs. Users can also adjust various settings on the soundbar with the help of Sennheiser Sound Control app, which is available on both Android and iOS. The soundbar does not have a dedicated subwoofer, but users can connect a third-party sub-woofer if needed, said the company in its official press release.