For the past couple of years, the speedrunning charity marathon Summer Games Done Quick, as well as its sister show Awesome Games Done Quick, were both held remotely online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, that’s finally changing with some obvious changes to the event itself.

The organization has announced that SGDQ 2022 will be held in person for the first time since 2019. According to its website, the marathon will be hosted for a week in Bloomington, Minnesota from June 26 to July 3, with attendee registration opening on April 18. SGDQ has also confirmed that they will once again be supporting Doctors Without Borders during the marathon, which is the organization they have been supporting since 2011. 

While the full list of precautions will be made available in a few days, the organization has already confirmed that it will be requiring both proof of a COVID-19 vaccine, as well as KN95 or N95 masks in order to attend the event. Social distancing and a reduced capacity will also be required for attendees.

Additionally, the organization said it will also be allowing a certain number of remote submissions for the event, although it hasn’t confirmed what the exact ratio of in-person to remote speedruns will be. All submissions will be open starting March 21. While the change back to an in-person event will certainly be a welcome one for fans who have missed it, it’s important to point out that with the uncertainty of new cases going forward, these plans very well might change in the months leading up to June.