The new legendary spells being added to Hearthstone are certainly something.
The Boomsday Project is bringing legendary spells to the game for the very first time, and they all look pretty crazy.
The Storm Bringer is a seven mana Shaman spell. It transforms all your minions on board into random legendary minions.
This is a similar effect to Elise Starseeker and the Golden Monkey from the League of Explorers set, where players would suddenly get a ton of legendary minions to play with. It also builds on recent Shaman flavor around Evolve and turning minions into bigger minions.
But is it any good? It doesn’t look useful on first glance. Right now there are two good Shaman decks—Shudderwock and Even. Even can’t play it because it costs seven mana, and Shudderwock doesn’t really need or want this kind of tool.
The Boomsday Project is the second expansion of the current Standard year, the Year of the Raven. It will add 135 new cards to the game, including new keywords like Magnetic. It is currently available to pre-order, with all the cards becoming available on Aug. 7.