Fans of Shazam may be pleased to hear this bit of news. Since the end of Shazam, DC has mostly been focused on his archnemesis, Black Adam. The synopsis helped draw up some good press for it, and things are gearing up for the release in July. Beyond the origin story of Shazam’s greatest foe, there’s a sequel coming next year. Little is known about the release date. A full trailer hasn’t even hit screens. However, it seems that Shazam 2 director David Sandberg has taken to making some teases for the trailer release date. The director isn’t 100% sure, but he believes the trailer will appear at this year’s DC Fandome.

Shazam 2 Will Bring A Clash of Gods and Magic

It seems that Shazam 2, aka Shazam Fury of the Gods, will focus on another struggle against evil gods. Taking a page out of the first Wonderwoman movie, Shazam will clash against another Greek hero/god. Though this time, only by proxy. Hespera and Kalypso, daughters of Atlas, will descend upon Batson and friends. Hespera will be portrayed by Helen Mirren, and Lucy Liu will take on Kalypso. The two of them are sure to be a fearsome combo for the still undertrained Shazam and crew.

These two evil goddesses, though dangerous, are not canon in DC comics. That makes this movie even more of an enigma. The best we can do is wait and hope that these potential director teases for the full trailer release date of Shazam 2 turn out to be truthful. Seeing as DC does love to save all their hype for one solitary timeframe, it’s a strong possibility indeed. At the moment, no signs of this year’s Fandome are even apparent online. With the first quarter barely near its end, we may have time to wait. Here’s hoping we get another magical experience this year.