The developers of Shenmue 3 revealed in a Kickstarter post that refunds are available to PC backers who are unhappy with the switch from Steam to Epic Games Store. Ys Net made a lengthy and detailed blog post talking about the issue, but the part of most interest to those who wanted a refund is below.

Backers who were unhappy with the change will be able to choose from four different options for the game, and if they are unable to find something that suits them, it seems that a refund will be available to them in the future. The four options are

Along with Deep Silver and Epic Games, we have agreed that should the above proposal not be acceptable to backers, refund requests will be honored. Details concerning the refund request process will be announced in a following update. We ask for your patience until that time.

  • PC Physical: Package (Disc) + EGS Key
  • PC Digital: EGS Key
  • PS4 Physical: Package (Disc)
  • PS4 Digital: PSN Voucher Code

So, if none of those options make you happy, keep an eye on the Kickstarter page for details of how to request a refund. There is a caveat, however, “In the case rewards within your reward tier, such as in-game content, have already been created and implemented, a full refund may not be possible.” As such, depending on your backer level, and what precisely the reward tier entailed, you may not be able to get a full refund.

PC Physical: Package (Disc) + EGS Key

PC Digital: EGS Key

PS4 Physical: Package (Disc)

PS4 Digital: PSN Voucher Code

For people who choose the game on a physical disk, the PC Physical version comes on CD. However, the disc contains the Epic Games Store installer and not the actual game data. With all this in mind, it is probably best to wait to see the full details on the refund policy before you decide on what to do.

The switch from Steam to the Epic Games Store has somewhat marred the favorable press that the newest installment in the fan-favorite series garnered following its announcement. It is still a surprise to see refunds available for players, as Ys Net and Deep Silver seemed to be pretty set on not providing them. It would appear that the folks on the internet generated enough heat to force a reaction, in this instance.