Shiny Pokémon are extremely rare to capture in any Pokémon game, and Pokémon Go is no different. All players have a chance to capture them, but it’s an extremely low possibility for it to happen. You will know when you encounter a shiny Pokémon, not only because of it’s different colors, but because of a unique icon when you catch them.

How to catch shiny Pokémon

There’s no precise method to encountering a shiny Pokémon. You won’t be able to tell there’s one in front of you until you click on it and attempt to catch it. When you do, several stars sparkle around the Pokémon. It won’t have the same colors as the traditional Pokémon. It should have different shades. For example, if you encounter a shiny Charmander, it won’t look red and yellow, it should have a black outer layer and a yellow stomach.

You do have a chance of catching shiny Pokémon from field research tasks. While there’s a guaranteed encounter with particular Pokémon, some rarer than others, it does not guarantee it will be shiny when you encounter it.

Alternatively, you do have increased chances of encountering shiny Pokémon during Community Day events. These are monthly events where a single Pokémon shows up more frequently for three hours on a particular weekend. If you capture and fully evolve the Pokémon during this event, it has a chance to learn a powerful, previously unknowable move. Because there are so many of the same type of Pokémon spawning during the event, the chances of a shiny version showing up is dramatically increased.

When you do capture a shiny Pokémon and have it in your inventory, three stars will be above their portrait on the upper left corner.

What are the odds of obtaining a shiny Pokémon?

There’s a low chance for any trainer to encounter a shiny Pokémon. The chances of obtaining one of them in the wild is 1 out of 450, figured out by those over on The Silph Road. The chances are a bit off, but it’s a rough estimate of how many Pokémon of the same species you have to encounter to potentially find a shiny version of one.

What are the benefits of a shiny Pokémon?

The only benefit of a shiny Pokémon is to have one that looks different. Having a shiny Pokémon does not give it additional stats, or increase the chances of having a more version. It does also add an additional section in your PokéDex where you can see the original coloring and the shiny version.

Complete list of all available Shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Go

Here are all of the potential Pokémon you can obtain, and their evolutions:


  • Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and VenusaurCharmander, Charmeleon, and CharizardSquirtle, Wartortle, and BlastoiseCaterpie, Metapod, and ButterfreePidgey, Pidgeotto, and PidgeotRattata and RaticateEkans and ArbokPichu, Pikachu, and RaichuSandshrew and SandslashNidoran, Nidorina, and NidoqueenNidoran, Nidorino, and NidokingClefairy and Clefable

  • Vulpix and NinetailsJigglypuff and WigglytuffZubat, Golbat, and CrobatOddish, Gloom, and VileplumeDiglett and DugtrioMeowth and PersianPsyduck and GolduckMankey and PrimeapeGrowlithe and ArcaninePoliwag, Poliwhirl, Politoed, and PoliwrathAbra, Kadabra, and AlakazamMachop, Machoke, and Machamp

  • Tentacool and TentacruelGeodude, Graveler, and GolemPonyta and RapidashMagnemite, Magneton, and MagnezoneFarfetch’dSeel and DewgongGrimer and MukShellder and CloysterGastly, Haunter, and GengarOnix and SteelixDrowzee and HypnoKrabby and Kingler

  • Exeggcute and ExeggcutorCubone and MarowakLickitungKoffing and WeezingRhyhorn, Rhydon, and RhyperiorChanseyKangaskhanHorsea and SeadraMime Jr. and Mr. MimeScyther and ScizorSmoochum and JynxElectabuzz

  • Magby, Magmar, and MagmortarPinsirTaurosMagikarp and GyaradosLaprasEevee, Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Umbreon, Espeon, Leafeon, and GlaceonOmanyte and OmastarKabuto and KabutopsAerodactylArticunoZapdosMoltresDratini, Dragonair, DragoniteMewtwo


  • Chikorita, Bayleef, and MeganiumCyndaquil, Quilava, and TyphlosionTotodile, Crocanaw, and FeraligatrSentret and FurretTogepi, Togetic, and TogekissNatu and XatuMareep, Flaaffy, and AmpharosBellossomAzurill, Marill, and AzumarillBonsly SudowoodoAipom and Ambipom Sunkern and Sunflora

  • Yanma and YanmegaMurkrow and Honchkrow Misdreavus and Mismagius DunsparcePineco and ForretressGligarSnubbul and GranbullShuckleSneasel and WeavileSwinub, Piloswine, and MamoswineDelibirdSkarmory

  • Houndour and HoundoomStantlerRaikouEnteiSuicuneHo-ohLugiaLarvitar, Pupitar, and TyranitarCelebi


  • Treeko, Grovyle, SceptileTorchic, Combusken, and BlazikenMudkip, Marshtomp, and SwampertPocchyena and MightyenaZigzagoon and LinooneWurmple, Silcoon, Beautiful, Cascoon, and DustoxLotad, Lombre, and LucoloTaillow and SwellowWingull and PelipperRalts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, and GalladeSlakoth, Vigoroth, SlakingMakuhita and Hariyama

  • SableyeMawileAron, Lairon, and AggronMeditite and MedichamElectrike and ManectricPlusleMinunRoselia and RoseradeCarvanha and SharpedoWailmer and WailordSpoink and GumpigSpinda

  • Trapinch, Vibrava, and FlygonSwablu and AltariaZangooseSeviperLuntatoneSolrockBarboach and WhiscashLileep and CradilyAnorith and ArmaldoFeebas and MiloticCastform (only normal)Shuppet and Benette

  • Duskull, Dusclops, and DusknoirAbsolSnorunt, Glalie, and FroslassClamperlHuntailGorebyssLuvdiscBagon, Shelgon, and SalamenceBeldum, Metang, and MetagrossRegirockRegiceRegisteel

  • LatiasKatiosKyogreGroudonRayquaza


  • Turtwig, Grotle, and TorterraChimchar, Monferno, and InfernapeShinx, Lucio, and LuxrayBudewBurmy (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, and WormadamDrifloom and DrifblimBuneary and LopunnyBronzor and BronzongGible, Gabite, and GarchompRilou and LucarioSnover and AbomasnowHeatran

  • GirtanaCresseliaDarkraiPatrat and WatchohLillipup, Herdier, and StoutlandYamask and CofagrigusMinccino and CinccinoKlink, Klang, and KlinklangCobalionMeltan and Melmetal