Dying Light 2 offers players a wide array of options to customize their experience, including options for performance and graphics. Those aiming for visual fidelity may want to turn on Ray-Tracing for Dying Light 2, but is doing so preferable for the game?
Because Dying Light 2 has seen consistent issues on all platforms, we recommend turning Ray-Tracing off. Instead of using Ray-Tracing, we opted for Performance Mode for a stable gameplay experience. Depending on what platform you’re playing Dying Light 2 on, you may experience more issues when fiddling with performance settings.
Techland is aware of the issues plaguing players in Dying Light 2 and has a list of improvements and fixes coming to multiple platforms in the coming weeks following release. We’ve listed a link to some of the priorities that Techland is focusing on below:
Dying Light 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.
For more on Dying Light 2, be sure to check out some of our other articles here on Pro Game Guides, like What is the Church of Saint Thomas safe code in Dying Light 2?