Seluvis is a character in Elden Ring you may not entirely trust. When you meet him, you’ll be working for Ranni the Witch, and she’ll ask you to complete his task to continue her work. Seluvis asks you to take a potion he makes and to give it to Nepheli, another character you’ve likely encountered and one who you can find in the Roundtable Hold. Should you give Nepheli Seluvis’ potion in Elden Ring?

You have some alternative options available, and you can do this to continually advance Seluvis’ quest, unlocking the ability to learn Incantations from him. Before you can give the potion to Nepheli, you’ll need to speak with her father, Sir Gideon Ofnir. If you do, he’ll inform you that he will not prevent you from giving her the potion. Although, his alternative is to be rid of the potion and allow Seluvis to believe he’s given it to her.

If you choose to give the potion to Sir Gideon, he will dispose of it. Then, you’ll be able to return to Seluvis and inform him of completing the task. He’ll be bewildered by it, and if you ask about it later, he’ll say the potion was made from the finest ingredients, and he expected better of Nepheli.

Should you give Nepheli the potion, she’ll leave, and you’ll see her walk away. The potion is hinted to be some form of mind control.