When you catch a Cherubi in Pokémon Go, it has the chance to become two unique Pokémon. You have Overcast Cherrim and Sunshine Cherrim. Although these Pokémon share the same name, they have distinct appearances and unique movesets. Those movesets do give it unique values, giving you something to consider. In this guide, we will cover if you should go Overcast Cherrim or Sunshine Cherrim in Pokémon.

Overcast Cherrim stats and moveset

Overcast and Sunshine Cherrim share the same Grass-type weaknesses and resistances, and they also have the same stats. It all comes down to stats. For Overcast Cherrim, it can learn the fast moves bullet seed and razor leaf. Of the two options, you want to go with bullet seed. It can learn dazzling gleam, hyper beam, or solar beam for its charged moves, with dazzling gleam and solar being the best options.

Sunshine Cherrim stats and moveset

With Sunshine Cherrim having the same stats and Grass-typing as Overcast Cherrim, let’s focus on the movesets. For Sunshine Cherrim’s fast moves, it can learn bullet seed and razor leaf, with bullet seed being the best option. Sunshine Cherrim can learn dazzling gleam, hyper beam, weather ball (Fire-type), and solar beam for its charged moves. We highly recommend going with weather ball (Fire-type) and dazzling gleam of those options.

Should you go Overcast Cherrim or Sunshine Cherrim?

When it comes down to these two Pokémon, we recommend the Sunshine Cherrim over the Overcast Cherrim. Sunshine Cherrim has the flexibility to have a far better moveset than the Overcast version, making it the superior option between these two.