With World of Warcraft: Dragonflight finally released, the question arises whether or not you should level up with War Mode enabled. Most of the time, players will want to enable War Mode to take advantage of the awesome experience buff it gives while leveling, but sometimes it isn’t always the best choice. The experience buff is supposed to help out when you’re first starting out in new expansions so that you have a chance to level up and avoid certain death by other factions. Keep reading long to learn whether or not you should level with War Mode on in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.

Should you Level with War Mode on in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight?

There isn’t a specific yes or no answer to this question, but I can give you the pros and cons for either way you choose to go with War Mode. Some people may think that using War Mode for the buff is worth the risk, as the experience buff is clearly useful. On the other side of this, depending on how populated the server is and a couple of other key factors, the efficiency of the buff lowers dramatically and doesn’t last long at all.

Typically, if you are going to start with War Mode on in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, there are a couple of things you should do right away:

  • Grab an Ogrimmar or Stormwind teleport cloak from the nearest Guild Vendor as soon as you possibly can in your capital city.
  • Travel to the first hub that you’ll come across in the Waking Shores.
  • Visit the inn before anything else and set your Hearthstone there.

Now, you’ll want to do some questing and test the waters. The opposing faction might be a bit bloodthirsty, so this is what you’ll be checking for. If it’s rough and you’re getting bothered by the opposing faction rather often, it might be wise to disable War Mode. However, if you can easily make it through your quests without being bothered by the opposing faction, you’re in the clear and can keep War Mode on in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight for as long as you want. Keep in mind that you’ll need to head back to the hub where your Hearthstone is to disable War Mode.

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This is everything you need to know about whether or not you should level with War Mode on in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. Be sure to check back for more useful guides, and as always, have fun!