In Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires, whenever you defeat an Officer, they become a captured enemy. As soon as the battle is over, you can decide what to do with them, but there are only three options: Release, Recruit, and Execute.

Should you release captured Officers?

At first, this may seem like a bad idea, but it can actually be beneficial. The released Officers will join the enemy side because Officers do not remain as freelancers for very long. You will gain their trust, and they may want to join you or form an alliance in the future.

It’s never a good idea to execute powerful or important characters like Guan Yu. If you want to recruit a character but they will not let you, release him or her. This will strengthen your bond.

Should you recruit captured Officers?

Officers with a good reputation, such as Xiahou Dun, should always be recruited. These Officers often develop strong bonds with their allies and are incredibly effective in combat. It will take a while for the stronger characters to surrender, so keep releasing them until you recruit them.

If you start your own Vagrant Empire, recruit everyone you can until you’re almost full. In this role, you definitely want to gain as many allies as possible, so you can release the random Officers as you gain better ones.

Should you execute captured Officers?

Do not kill (or pursue) Lu Bu. It is a waste to lose great Officers to execution because we all know how it plays out. Rather, execute the Officers who are random and powerful. By cutting off their strength, enemies will look for more desirable Officers.

When you capture enemy Officers, you want to poach them. Remove them completely if you don’t want them.

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