A sequel titled Ghostbusters 2 came out in 1989 to a lukewarm reception. Due to that, a third installment has taken so long to come about. The franchise reboot in 2016, directed by Paul Feig, put new life into the project. Feig’s move did include cameos from the original cast but was focused on a different set of characters.

Jason Reitman has co-written the script with Gil Kenan for Ghostbusters 3. Reitman is the son of the director Ivan Reitman of Ghostbusters 1 and 2. Some points of the plot have already surfaced. It will revolve around a group of teenagers who take up ghost hunting in the present day. Finn Wolfhard (Stranger Things), McKenna Grace (Captain Marvel), and Carrie Coon (The Leftovers) are confirmed as additional cast members.

Dan Aykroyd has long been a supporter of the franchise. Bill Murray has been more hesitant since the issues with Ghostbusters 2. But both have confirmed their part in the movie. However, Ernie Hudson has not been confirmed. Supposedly Hudson stated he was open to the role but hadn’t been approached yet.

Fans of the franchise are excited about the return of the original cast members since the Ghostbusters reboot left many of them divided. Some enjoyed the comedy, some disliked the plot, and others couldn’t get over a mostly female cast despite the original cast being mostly male. Given that the script is being co-written by the son of the original director, that should put some fans at ease that the plot is in good hands.