The composer of Silent Hill, Akira Yamaoka, may be giving fans of the classic psychological horror series some hope. In a now-deleted interview with AI Hub, Yamaoka claimed that he is working on a new project, about which he stated, “I think it’s the one you’re hoping to hear about.” While Yamaoka has worked on many different projects over his 30-year career, most viewers attributed that to another installment of the Silent Hill franchise.
It is especially interesting when AI Hub posted a tweet claiming it was asked to delete the interview. It is unknown who asked the group to delete it or why, which leaves viewers to speculate the true cause of the video’s removal.
Fans of the series have long awaited a new game to play as the latest edition of the game was only a demo, titled P.T., that came out in 2014. This demo was leading up to the now cancelled game, Silent Hills. While this may be speculation of fans desperate for a new game, the idea that the new project Yamaoka is working on may actually hold weight when looking at other clues of this series. In July 2020, a Silent Hill Twitter page was created. However, so far this account has been used solely for the promotion of collaborations with other games.
Silent Hill characters have made appearances as DLC in horror games, including Dead by Daylight, with the expansion music composed by Yamaoka, and Dark Deception: Monsters and Mortals. It may very well be possible that these collaborations are being used to build up hype before a larger announcement from Konami.