Newly skinny Rebel Wilson comes out of the closet on social media, to the delight of many. As many know, the hilarious Aussie star recently dropped one hundred pounds. Quite an impressive feat. But this wasn’t forced on her. Truth is, she made the decision herself because of health reasons. In lieu of that news, she has also come out of the closet to her adoring fans. All of which have been kind and accepting of her. The truth is, she has never looked happier or healthier.

Wilson has pointed out she actually got some heat from her managers for the weight loss choice. They feared she would lose the banner of “funny fat girl,” which is a terrible stance. But she bucked that pressure and has gone on to truly live her best life. On top of that, she found true love as well. Not a bad run for the star.

True Love Knows No Bounds

Wilson took to her Instagram with a pic of her and her name flame, Ramona Agruma:


A post shared by Rebel Wilson (@rebelwilson)