Despite being released nearly eight years ago, Skyrim remains an incredibly popular game. It has remained in such demand that new versions of the title are seemingly released every year.

One of the reasons Skyrim is so popular is the very active modding community. Players can download and play with all kinds of additions to the game. Most have to do with changing the landscape or the weapons you can wield.

One very special mod is drawing attention to a very good boy. Murphy is an attempt by one modder to pay tribute to his beloved greyhound, who passed away last year.

The Skyrim modder wrote on his page. That page, by the way, is one that deserves a look. If you’re able to read through the modder’s letter to Murphy dry-eyed, it would be noteworthy.

The digital version of Murphy is a fully functional companion for the lucky Skyrim player that happens across him in the mod. The modder laid out that all a player has to do it ask the good boy to be a companion and he will be by your side for good.

His owner made it clear Murphy isn’t someone you take into combat if you do he “will flee from combat, but he’ll always come back when it is safe and will make up for it in other ways.”

Those other ways include magical buffs that are dependent on the weather. These are designed to aid and guide the Skyrim player through the game’s world.

You also don’t need to worry about Murphy being hurt. He’s been designed so that all weapons and magic will pass through him. As the modder noted, “I’m not going to bring my dog back to life just to have him be killed by some bandit.”

The Murphy Skyrim mod was initially uploaded last year but was hidden from view. It’s now available for all to download free.