Shirley Curry could easily be described as one of the most interesting personalities on the entirety of YouTube. This 82-year-old woman isn’t spending her wiser years down the bingo hall or planting flowers in her garden. After all, she’s far too busy slaying the most dangerous of dragons in Bethesda’s very own Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

That’s right, it turns out this grandma is a huge fan of Skyrim and she’s made almost 900 videos primarily focusing on the critically acclaimed RPG. With the help of her grandson, Curry has managed to produce a wide range of let’s play style videos that offer a very unique appeal. Unlike many younger YouTubers who are often loud and in your face, Shirley’s videos are extremely laid back and relaxing for all involved.

It’s not only fans that love her content either. Bethesda does too! It was recently announced that Shirley will be immortalized as a character in the upcoming Elder Scrolls VI. This follows a fan petition signed by almost 50,000 people titled “Immortalize Shirley Curry as an NPC, unique weapon, or location in The Elder Scrolls VI.” She had the following to say about it in an interview:

“This means a lot to me because I would be extremely happy to know that somebody else was playing with my character in a future Elder Scrolls game.”

This isn’t the first time that Bethesda has immortalized one of their most dedicated fans either. Skyrim featured a male Nord called Erik the Slayer, named after Erik West. West was a special guest at Bethesda’s headquarters who was known by the internet alias “Immok the Slayer.” He was invited to the Bethesda headquarters initially because Bethesda was so impressed by his immense knowledge of Oblivion lore. Tragically, 6 months before the release of Skyrim, Erik lost his battle with cancer and passed away. Bethesda chose to pay respects to Erik by immortalizing him in the form of Erik the Slayer.