Cashing in on the IPL fever, Snapchat has partnered with four IPL teams – Mumbai Indians, Royal Challengers Bangalore, Delhi Daredevils, and Rajasthan Royals – who will now have official accounts on the platform during the course of IPL 2018. The teams will use the accounts to post official Stories on Snapchat’s Discover platform, providing fans an inside look into the popular cricket tournament.
As part of the partnership, the platform has also released a number of custom stickers, filters and Lenses for the duration of the tournament.
One of the new Lenses will allow the user transform into a batsman from their favorite team, with the team anthem playing in the background. In order to access the Lenses from a particular team, users can just need to scan the team’s Snapcode and the Lenses will be unlocked for 24 hours.