Popular ephemeral messaging app, Snapchat, has reportedly more than doubled its number of users in India over the past year. In an interview with ET, Nana Murugesan, the managing director of International Markets at Snap Inc., said that the app’s daily active users (DAU) rose 150% in the country YoY during the third quarter, making it one of the fastest growing markets for the company.

As part of the plan, the company has announced a slew of licensed and original shows in the country in partnership with entertainment and artist management firm Only Much Louder, comedy venture Weirdass Comedy, and digital media firm Qyuki. The company is also working with Moonfrog Labs to tailor Snap Games titles like ‘Ludo Club’ and ‘Ready Chef Go’ specifically to cater to Indian audiences, with the latter set to soon get a ‘Dosa Dash’ kitchen challenge.