Snapchat wants to provide its users with genuine news content, and for this, the popular messaging app has come up with Dynamic Stories. This new feature will let news outlets publish news in real-time so that people don’t miss out on what’s happening in the world without ever leaving Snapchat.
Dynamic Stories will reside in the app’s Discover section and will make use of a partner news publisher’s RSS feed to create Stories based on the news being published on the web. The content will also be updated in real-time, so it doesn’t miss out on news stories.
Snapchat’s Rashmi Daryanani also suggests that Dynamic Stories will be available in English, Hindi, and Marathi in India. News content in more Indian languages is expected to be made available soon. Furthermore, it is revealed that news publishers are already seeing the fruits of this Snapchat feature. While The Washington Post got over a million views on its Ukraine war coverage, MissMalini garnered 200k views in the first 30 days of launch.