Social media is a number game. Everyone wants to flaunt that they have many more followers, subscribers, likes, or retweets than you. Snapchat is finally surrendering to this rat race and will now enable creators to publicly boast the number of subscribers they have on the platform.

Wow! I can add my subscriber count to my public Snapchat profile now.

“We’ve listened to feedback from our creator community and many of them expressed interest in having the option to show that their community on Snapchat is growing,” said a Snapchat spokesperson in an official statement. Though we’re not sure whether it will be enabled by default or not, you can choose to toggle the ‘subscriber count’ on and off. The feature is not live for us in India just yet.

Fun fact: I have more subscribers on Snapchat than Donald Trump 😆

You will need to tap on the creator’s profile picture while watching a story to view their creator profile. The subscriber count is shown right under their username, as shown in the images above. The creator profiles are currently available to select users and will be made available to everyone globally in the coming months.