The Dragon Prince, a Netflix animated television show, returns February 15th for its second season. It had an extremely successful first season, which was helped along by the fact that the show’s creators are some of the minds behind the wildly popular Avatar: The Last Airbender. The first season follows the humans Callum and Ezran along with their unlikely elf friend, Rayla, as they attempt to return a stolen dragon egg to its home. The world building is rich and the animation is beautiful. It features the talents of voice actors such as Jack De Sean, Paula Burrows, Racquel Belmonte, and Jason Simpson.

In this first image, we see Callum and Ezran with the newly born dragon. They appear to be on a ship, which is interesting since they were atop a mountain at the end of the first season of The Dragon Prince. 

The second image shows Rayla with another Moon Shadow Elf in a very beautiful grove.

In the third image, we get to see another subrace of elves that have been mentioned a few times. Perhaps a Sun Elf? The lava flow in the background is very intriguing.

Next up, we see Claudia performing more magic. Claudia has certainly been an interesting character to watch. Despite her happy demeanor, she is proficient in the use of dark magic and has found herself on the opposing side to our heroes.

And finally, we see Lord Viren, a recently revealed villain at the end of the first season. His use of dark magic has twisted him.

There is a lot to look forward to for the new season. Perhaps we will learn the secret behind the stolen mirror Viren was so interested in. Will our three protagonists make it to their final destination, or will more trouble follow their path? The second season of The Dragon Prince is only a few weeks away, and fans will be waiting in anticipation.