Solasta: Crown of the Magister is Baldur’s Gate meets Dragon Age. The upcoming title from Tactical Adventures has a new trailer and another playable demo during the Steam Game Festival: Summer Edition.

The demo lets players create their character and party. It’s available to demo until June 22. Along with the demo, the trailer shows off much more of the game than was released last year. Looking through older footage and having played the previous demo, the latest version of Solasta has been improved dramatically. The graphics are enhanced, spell effects are stunning, and character movement is a lot more fluid and realistic.

The demo also showcases new features for the classic RPG. The world of Solasta is more than just flat two dimensional maps. Players can explore by climbing walls, ladders, flying, teleporting, and crawling through tunnels and secret passages. The environment is destructive and plays a significant role in how characters will get around dungeons and ruins.

Solasta: Crown of the Magister is also similar to games like Pillars of Eternity. Players can choose between several classes, races, backgrounds, and can even roll for their stats like a traditional Dungeons and Dragons game. Along with the main character, players can roll or meet other party members to create a full party of four.

Solasta looks and feels like a game of D&D, and it shows because the team behind it are experienced, tabletop players and game designers. Recently, Wizards of the Coast, owners of D&D, approved Tactical Adventures’ access to their rules set. Solasta: Crown of the Magister will be the next best thing to Baldur’s Gate before the third game releases.

The demo is only available for three days. Solasta: Crown of the Magister has no release as of yet. It’s Tactical Adventure’s first full game and was fully funded on Kickstarter.