Apex Legends Mobile finally opened up worldwide pre-registration today. Alongside this, some additional info on what Apex Legends Mobile will look like dropped. One thing that stood out to many players on the announcement page was that the game will introduce some franchise-wide content in Apex Legends Mobile first.

It’s clear that some content in Apex Legends Mobile will be unique to the mobile game. That said, the “mobile-first” language in this announcement implies that there will be content, most importantly Legends, that will debut in Apex Legends Mobile and then come to Apex Legends on PC and console at a later date. This will give mobile players a hands-on advantage and a way to play new characters before non-mobile players.

This will be a huge incentive for players who may not have had a prior interest in Apex Legends Mobile who play the main game. Currently, in the regional launch, there are only already-existing Legends in the lineup. Pre-Registration for the full release of Apex Legends Mobile is now live worldwide.

For more Apex Legends Mobile content, check out The best phones to play Apex Legends Mobile on on Pro Game Guides.