“Following a recent wave of bot bans, we’ve seen an increase in ban appeals from players who have been incorrectly impacted by these bans. We have determined the error that triggered these false bans, and are actively working on reversing them for all affected players regardless of whether a support ticket has been filed. This will remove your game ban and any marks on your Steam account. We will let players know when this work has been completed. In the meantime, you are still welcome to submit a Ban Appeal ticket to Customer Support so that the team can more quickly assist with restoring your account and removing all penalties. Thank you for your reports and patience as we work to make this right with affected players.”

Shortly, the Lost Ark team is working to revert the accident, but you could still open tickets. We don’t recommend this at first because there’s support chaos right now. If you still can’t log in even after a few days, then it would be best if you create a ticket.