Earlier this week CBE Software made an announcement revealing why they made the decision to cut hours of gameplay content from their newly released game called Someday You’ll Return. This decision was made to improve the game after feedback from players. Despite how the game seemed promising initially, and the countless praise the game received for having both excellent atmosphere and intriguing and fun puzzles, it seems the product they released was not up CBE Software’s standards. Below is a quote from Jan Kavan, CBE Software co-founder, explaining why the decision to cut content was made.

Later on Kavan spoke at length, and expressed that, there were several other features such as stealth that the majority players did not enjoy at all, which later influenced their final decision to remove those sections all together from the final product. Further Kavan also explained that the studio took several steps to remedy the stealth portion of the game by including an option to use a potion to get past the section far easier than before. In the end, Kavan later expressed that it meant more to the studio to overall improve the game overall, even if it meant sacrificing several months of hard work. However, was this unusual decision worth it you may ask? Only time will tell. For now let us move on to a brief overview of the game for those who haven’t heard of this game until today.

 The Exciting Premise Behind Someday, You’ll Return

In case this is the first time you are hearing about this game. Here is a basic rundown of the game‘s premise, and what to expect from Someday You’ll Return. The game is a unique narrative-driven psychological horror game that deals with themes of fatherhood, fear, and the refusal to confront the past. In the game, you play as a character called Daniel in search of his missing daughter, Stela, in a place that Daniel swore he will never return too. This location is called the ancient Moravian forests and is where the majority of the game takes place. Someday You’ll Return also takes some notes from other games such as Amnesia in the way that the monsters are not the scariest thing in this game, but the secrets that lay hidden deep in the woods and within Daniel’s mind.