As far as creation games go, Death Stranding is a pretty odd one. Most people viewing from the outside, and some that have played it see the game as a walking sim. The game has some online elements when you create a structure in-game they are uploaded to other users game. Exactly how many users, or how they are selected is not clear.

The structures are generally things like simple bridges, roads, ropes and ladders. They are basically used as aids to get across rivers or up tricky terrain. But one particularly talented player with potentially too much time on his hands saw the opportunity to turn the structures into something other than just a way to short cut up mountains.

The map on Death Stranding has a lot of different areas, some are covered in rocks, others are coated with timefall, a rain that accelerates time. And some areas are covered in snow when YouTuber BoomStick Gaming stumbled into a mountainous area with snow, he hatched a plan: make a ski resort.

The “resort”, is next to Mountain Knot City, an area unlocked on episode 5 “mama”. You can check out a video tour of the ski resort below, it even has a ski lift!

Death Stranding has been splitting users with some hailing how unique it is, with others bashing…how unique it is. Many critics have noted that the gameplay is kind of tedious after a while, but that the story is engaging. We are currently in the process of writing a review for it which you can check out here.

This is the first game that Kojima Productions has created, meaning that Hideo Kojima had free reign to call the shots, and that has really made some people question if not having a publisher can be an issue or not, some critics feel that Kojima’s idea of creating art has missed the mark. Have you played Death Stranding? What are your thoughts?

Via NeoGAF