Title: Song of Horror – Episode 4: The Last Concert

Developer: Protocol Games

Publisher: Raiser Games

Genre: Survival Horror, Adventure, Episodic

Available On: PC

Official Site: Song of Horror

Release Date: January 30th, 2020

Version Tested: PC

Where to Buy it: Steam

Sometimes a setting, a place, can be just as much of a character as the actual characters are, and this is one of Song of Horror: The Last Concert’s greatest assets. St. Cecilia’s Abbey adds another horrifying layer to this episodic horror game, and it is rich with terrifying elements and mysteries. This penultimate episode definitely doesn’t disappoint as it revs up toward a killer finale.

In Song of Horror: The Last Concert, our mysterious hunt continues:

When it comes to tension, scares, and atmosphere, the developers, really outdid themselves in this episode. Their inspiration came from Amnesia: The Dark Descent, and that totally comes across in The Last Concert. Not only that, but the horror continues to feel fresh and out of the box. Instead of following the overdone formulas of the horror genre these days, they are definitely crafting their own, and it is a home run.

That being said, as cool and as vibrant as the Abbey is, it does produce one of my minor complaints. Especially at the beginning of this episode, it does start to feel like you’re just running from one part of the Abbey to the other, which can begin to feel somewhat monotonous. Diving into the catacombs of the mysterious place does break that monotony up at the perfect time, but I think I wish it had come a little sooner than it did.

On the subject of complaints, some of the life-saving mini-games had some real pacing issues. One new enemy in this game is a shadow wraith, and the only way to destroy them is a mirror and reflected light– which is really cool. However, it drug on just a tad too long and started to lose some of that horrifying tension. There’s also a button-mashing mini-game that suffers from this same problem, but I also died every time I encountered it this time around. And in a perma-death situation, it’s a tad frustrating.

That being said, my complaints are tiny for the most part, and it doesn’t impede too much on the story overall. This is still a great experience, and I’m thoroughly intrigued to see how the ending comes about! If you are curious about the beginning episode, our review of Song of Horror Episode 1 and 2 can be found here, and the review of A Twisted Trail is located here for your reading pleasure.

Verdict: Song of Horror: The Last Concert is a perfect penultimate episode when it comes to tension, atmosphere, and setting. The developers have done a fantastic job of making each episode feel cohesive while having their own flair and attitude. In tension and air, The Last Concert feels utterly different from the first episode, and that is a small part of what has made this series so great. The Abbey is a fantastic set-piece, and it makes for an exciting addition to the story. While there are a few complaints, they are minimal for this atmosphere-rich episode. 

Song of Horror Episode 4: The Last Concert Review

  • Terrifying atmosphere and setting

  • Continuously builds tension and scares

  • Tries new things to keep the game exciting

  • Feels like a lot of running back and forth

  • Brutal mini-games that determine life or death

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