The combat system of Sonic Frontiers is a new horizon for the franchise, but Super Sonic is a returning favorite. Sonic only enters his powerful golden form for the big boss fights, and the first battle pits him against a deadly threat. Giganto looks tough, but there are several ways to make his fight easy and feel as powerful as Super Sonic should.

How to beat Giganto in Sonic Forces

The fight against Giganto comes in three phases. The first phase isn’t much of a fight, it’s more of a brief platforming challenge. Once you enter the arena and see the beast, your first order of business is getting the seventh Chaos Emerald.

The Chaos Emerald is on top of Giganto’s head, so you’ll have to run up his body to get to it. This is very similar to the technique used to beat Asura Guardians. Just sprint towards him, run up whichever leg is on the ground, and use the huge blue circles to launch yourself to his head. Once you land, just grab the Chaos Emerald. Sonic will enter Super Sonic form, the incredible boss fight music will kick in, and the real fight will begin.

Using Super Sonic in Sonic Frontiers

Super Sonic has all the moves that Sonic has in his typical form, along with some new ones. He’s always flying, so movement and dodging work a little differently. He’s fueled by rings, but there isn’t really a way to pick up rings during the fight. Every hit you take will take away some rings, and Super Sonic burns them continuously. If you run out, you die. To make this fight easy, just gather rings fast before the fight starts. It’ll be impossible to fail if you enter this battle with 400 rings.

To beat Giganto fast, wait for his slow melee attack and parry it. Every successful parry grants Sonic the chance to deal massive damage for free. Giganto’s one-arm swing attacks are slow and lumbering, so just get into their direct path and hit the parry buttons right before the attack connects.

After dealing enough damage, Giganto will enter his second phase. He shoots lasers out of his back, making it impossible to fly behind him. This doesn’t prevent you from using the easy parry strategy, so if you want to beat him quickly and easily, just keep parrying his basic attack. He does have two attacks that lock you into a quick-time button mashing event, so just mash the button it tells you to.

If you enter the fight with Giganto with maximum rings and learn the parry timing for his main attack, you practically can’t lose. Super Sonic feels as powerful as he should, so just rush in and destroy your massive foe.

For more information regarding Sonic, check out the Best speed settings in Sonic Frontiers on Pro Game Guides.