Sony adds another title to their PlayStation library with its most recent acquisition, taking away the Xbox exclusive Sunset Overdrive.

PlayStation now adds the colorful world of Sunset Overdrive to the millions of PS4 users. Sony bought Insomniac studios a few weeks back, along with the rights to any IP’s they have. One of those properties happened to be the 2014 Xbox One exclusive series.

Insomniac worked with Sony consoles for over a decade to make the Spyro, Ratchet & Clank and Resistance series. While many thought they were one of Sony’s first-party studios for years, they were more of a second party that made games mainly for them

Then, the studio ventured off after Resistance 3(2011) to work multiplatform. They partnered with EA to develop Fuze (2013) before moving on to Sunset Overdrive with Microsoft Studios.

The news is confirmed via a Japanese interview, where the PlayStation head honcho Shuhei Yoshida said,”SIE holds the rights to past Insomniac Games works.” Yoshida added that he “looks forward to their future titles.”

Hold Your Skates

However, it doesn’t seem like PlayStation doesn’t have any plans for Sunset Overdrive if SIE Worldwide Studio’s Chairman Shawn Layden is any indication.

“As far as the IP itself, we really haven’t turned over the files on that one to see what that actually means, to be honest,” said Layden. “We like what they’ve been doing in the Spider-Man franchise, and things like Ratchet & Clank are certainly vital series in the present and future. That’s what we’re concentrating.”

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