Though Sony has gone and provided some first information about the PlayStation 5 for its 2020 debut, that doesn’t necessarily mean they have finished with its hardware. A few trademarks indicate that it’s already prepping for the next few consoles in the future.
Per this report from Gematsu, Sony has already filed trademarks for the PlayStation 6, PlayStation 7, PlayStation 8, PlayStation 9, and PlayStation 10. They submitted them under their smaller spellings of “PS6” through “PS10”, to avoid confusion. The trademarks can be found on the Chizai Watch page here, including PS6, PS7, PS8, PS9, and PS10.
Now, before you go wondering if the PlayStation 5 is going to be enough of a failure for Sony to introduce the PlayStation 6, relax. These are usually put in place by the company as “security for future PlayStation platforms,” according to the report. It also got pointed out that the company has filed such trademarks in the past. For instance, PS5 was first trademarked back in 2006, right when the PlayStation 3 was gaining traction. So it preps ahead more than you might think.
Still, this could set a precursor for what’s to come with future platforms. Sony teased what the PlayStation 9 could be like in the future with a 1999 ad targeted around the PlayStation 2. In it, the player becomes the controller, with their actions interpreting what happens in-game. There’s no word if the PlayStation 9 will be like this — and it’ll be years, maybe decades before we find out. But enjoy the commercial below anyway. The future!
We’ll let you know as soon as Sony has more PlayStation 5 details available.