The next generation of gaming started off with the PS5, but the next generation of gaming in VR is taking its sweet time. But the release of the PS VR2 might be a lot closer than you think, and Sony just revealed some details on the upcoming virtual reality headset via its Playstation Blog.

See Through View

The PS VR2 will allow you to see right through your headset, letting you see your environment whenever you need to without having to take your headset off again and again, and this is a necessary feature that no one has implemented as well as Sony so far.

The built-in cameras will aid in finding your Sense controllers after putting on your headset, as well as setting up your play area limits. The see-through feature will not allow recording for safety and privacy reasons.

Broadcast While Playing

You will be able to broadcast as you play using the camera set up on your TV, this will be perfect for not only streamers but also for people who want their friends to join their virtual reality gaming sessions.

Customized Playing Area

As mentioned above, the PlayStation VR2 has the ability to set a custom play area with boundaries, this will allow players to feel safe and not bump into things during intense gaming sessions. The play area can be further customized using the controllers as lasers.

VR Mode and Cinematic Mode

When using the VR mode, players will be able to view the video game environment in 360 degrees in 4000 x 2040 HDR video format (2000 x 2040 per eye) with an ideal 90Hz / 120Hz frame rate. This will minimize the motion sickness that some players feel during prolonged VR sessions.

The cinematic mode is more for watching media than actually interacting with it, it will feature 1920×1080 HDR video format with 24 / 60Hz and also 120Hz frame rates. The cinematic mode will allow you to experience a large cinema screen in your very own home.

It seems Sony is trying to make the PS VR2 as practical for casual gamers as possible, and with the addition of setting boundaries as well as the cinematic mode, this might be the perfect way to get into VR without too much technical knowledge.

The launch details of the headset aren’t known yet, but Sony says it will share it soon.