It seems not only SEGA and Atlus that finally takes notes of PC’s popularity. Just today, Sony announced their intention to bring more PlayStation first-party titles to PC in their latest corporate report. In the report, Sony mostly focuses on how they are going to “innovate and evolve the PlayStation Platform” — but they do mention the PC market briefly.

Obviously so far it’s all still corporate gibberish and there’s no certainty which title will they port. Will the highly requested Bloodborne be one of them? Spider-Man? Newer titles like Ghost of Tsushima? Or will they just skip PS4 games and jump straight to launching PS5 games multiplatform? We’ll just have to wait and see.

According to the game market analyst Newzoo, PC games will contribute $33.9 billion to the industry this year alone both from download and retail sales. Up 6.7% from last year. With how fast PS4 exclusives such as Ghost of Tsushima and The Last of Us II are selling, Sony can definitely rake in another million dollars or two by putting them on Steam or Epic Games Store.

So far the latest PlayStation first-party that is available on PC is Horizon: Zero Dawn, released early this August. On Steam, it’s listed as published by PlayStation Mobile, Inc. And turns out Horizon isn’t the only one; PlayStation Mobile also released HELLDIVERS, Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, and GUNS UP! back in 2015-2018. It could mean there was already an attempt to bring more PlayStation games to other platforms. But for one reason or another, Sony did not follow through. They might be changing their minds again after Horizon became one of Steam’s August top-selling games alongside Fall Guys and Grounded.