The “Dwarf Fortress in Space,” as quoted by Frankie Ward, space simulator, Starmancer released a gameplay trailer during PC Gaming Show’s E3 2019 conference. The upcoming game shows off some charming graphics, builds, villains, and character models.

The name Starmancer has been floating around the internet since February 2018 where it launched as a kickstarter and soon progressed into a developing game. The game comes from Dev and Ominux Games and Chucklefish. According to the Steam page, players are an artificial intelligence that must survive on a space ship. The full synopsis is below:

“After a catastrophe on Earth, humanity launches the Starmancer Initiative in a desperate attempt to seek refuge among the stars. Millions of refugees upload their consciousness into your memory banks–entrusting their minds and the future of the human race to an Artificial Intelligence, a Starmancer. To you.” -Starmancer Steam Page

Part of this task includes growing bodies for the memories you have in your memory banks. Not only are you growing food to survive, you’re rebuilding the population by creating bodies for all the data you contain. Plus there’s danger.

The newly released gameplay trailer shown at the E3 2019 event highlights the upcoming game’s creativity. Players must build and expand their ship, mine and farm resources to survive, feed their crew, and face other challenges. Yes, space pirates are in fact one of those challenges. As if asteroids aren’t dangerous enough. Players may customize their Starmancer avatar to their desire, since we are all suckers for a good character builder.

With charming graphics and characters, Starmancer is sure to enthrall simulation lovers. The pixel graphics are both nostalgic and artistic. Understanding the potential downfalls of the environment, the developers made sure to give the game a good color palette.

There is some suggestion of a beta coming soon, but no information has yet been made available.

Starmancer is currently listed on Steam as “coming soon” with no date or price. Those interested are invited to add it to their wish lists or follow the page for more updates.