Our Heartstone Spell Druid Deck List Guide takes a look at this brand new archetype from the Ashes of Outland expansion! We’ve got a look at the best list for the deck as well as mulligans, play strategy & combinations, and card replacements!

Mage isn’t the only class to get incentive to not run minions in a deck! Druid also got some cards in Ashes of Outland that encourages you to fill up your deck with spells. This is a pretty new archetype for the class, but not completely foreign to it. Malygos and Miracle Druid kind of had similar aspects to it where the deck would mainly run spells and only a few minions. That will be the issue with this archetype, how many minions should you run? Well, we haven’t quite figured that out yet, but we’ll be sure to continue to update this guide with stronger versions in the future.

Spell Druid Deck List

We’ve got an early look at this deck with a version by Brian Kibler! We’ll be updating this list with more refined lists as the meta starts to shape up.

Spell Druid Mulligan Guide

Always Keep

  • Fungal Fortunes
    • A strong card and one of the reasons to attempt this style of deck, however, we do have some minions in the list so we could hit something we don’t want to. This is best used in the early game when there’s more cards in the deck and less of a chance to burn something.
  • Crystalsong Portal
    • We’ll hopefully have no minions in our hand so we get the full trigger off of this card.
  • Wild Growth
    • This card is much worse after the nerf, but it still fits in the deck currently. We need to grow our mana pool as quickly as possible because we have some cards that get a whole lot better when we have more mana.

Possible Keeps

  • Glowfly Swarm
    • Gets us a big board to fight off incoming minions, particularly if we’ve got quite a few spells in our hand. It’s on the slow side, so I would only keep it with Wild Growth because you can skip turn four.
  • Archspore Msshi’fn
    • Solid stats and it has taunt which can halt some aggression. We also want to get the Prime card into our deck as soon as possible to give us a chance to draw it. Don’t keep this if you’ve got Crystalsong Portal in your hand.
  • Overgrowth
    • If you’ve got something else to play between turns 1 - 4 then you can keep Overgrowth. It’s a huge boost in mana that shouldn’t be overlooked, but is also very slow and might get us beaten by aggro. It’s also awkward when paired with Wild Growth because we’ll likely float a mana if we skip turn four.

Spell Druid Tips & Play Strategy

This deck while based largely on spells is really a token deck in a bit of a disguise. You’ve got a lot of cards that generate multiple minions on the board, so we’ll be playing wide quite often. This deck also currently features some pretty powerful top end cards that we are racing to get to via our ramping options.

In the early game we’re mainly looking to protect our face from taking too much damage and ramping up our mana pool. We can also hope to gather some additional resources by getting a big draw from Fungal Fortunes . We’ve got removal tools, things like Wrath , Beees!!! , and the new Bogbeam can take care of threats. We’ll hope to trigger that 0-mana part of Bogbeam, but you won’t always have that luxury.

We should start turning things around in the mid-game, due to cards like Glowfly Swarm that should set us up with a pretty powerful board. We can also follow that up later with The Forest’s Aid . Overflow also acts as a way to heal up and get a lot of resources to work with if we had to spend a lot to keep the board clear.

Archspore Msshi’fn is Druid’s Prime card and also functions as a pretty good early game minion. The prime card is a 10-mana 9/9 with Taunt that has a Choose One that reads, “Summon a 9/9 Fungal Giant with Taunt; or Rush.” That’s a pretty powerful late game turn that either gives us protection or the ability to remove something problematic. Remember, once this goes in your deck, you’ll need to be careful with Fungal Fortunes because you could easily discard this minion with it!

The late game is where we can do some really crazy things! Kael’thas Sunstrider can get us a bit swing turn, and pairs really well with Innervate and The Coin if you can swing it. That third spell can then be an Overflow or The Forest’s Aid hitting all on the same turn.

Ysera, Unleashed can be pretty bonkers in this deck due to our ability to draw significantly via Fungal Fortunes and Overflow. A turn 10 with a Ysiel Windsinger also can lead to some big possibilities.

Our final late game swing comes in the form of King Phaoris . Due to our ability to draw quite a few cards and the fact that our deck features some high cost spells means we can really put together a devastating board via this card!

Spell Druid Card Options & Replacements

  • Ironbark
    • We obviously don’t have many minions, but we do spawn quite a few via spells. It’s possible that this card finds a home in this deck as a way to get better trades or protect our face. We also should be able to trigger the 0-mana part of the card pretty easily with our ramping abilities.
  • Power of the Wild
    • Very versatile card that can buff our tokens or get us a minion when we need to fight for the board.
  • Garden Gnome
    • Maybe something worth considering because we should have high cost spells in our hand pretty often. We obviously want to avoid adding minion to our deck as much as possible though.
  • Anubisath Defender
    • Another minion that could be worth playing because we’ll likely be able to get it on board for 0-mana pretty frequently.
  • Soul of the Forest
    • We should be landing quite a few tokens on the deck so this will make our board sturdy against AOE.
  • Force of Nature
    • A spell that gives us a board, it fits well in this deck so it could be worth playing.