A popular saying claims that ‘clothes make the man’. However, in Peter Parker’s case, it’s more like ‘clothes make the Spider-Man’. Since his debut in Amazing Fantasy #15, the web-slinging hero has donned a large array of stylish Spider-duds. And later, as movies adapted the character, Spider-Man’s suit has been revamped over and over. Here, we focus on the live-action movie/TV Spider-Man suits, ranking them from worst to best…

12) Garfield’s Makeshift Suit (Amazing Spider-Man)

Look, I get it. This suit appears for, like, two seconds in this film. But alas, it’s still a Spider-Suit and it’s getting a ranking! And it’s ranked last on our list. Surprised? Not only does the costume have little screen-time, but it looks a tad too drug dealer-y to be Spider-Man. Red mask, sunglasses, and a black hat? Come on, Peter! That said, in-universe, it’s a teenager’s first attempt at a vigilante outfit, so it’s understandable he’d make a mishap before getting it right…

11) Maguire’s Black Suit (Spider-Man 3)

What can really be said of Tobey Maguire’s black suit? Answer: Not much. It’s just the trilogy’s regular suit except it’s black. In the comics and cartoons, the suit takes on an alternative form, fully black, with no web pattern and a big white spider symbol taking over the chest. However, in the Raimiverse, the Symbiote is inherently less creative in the design department.

10) Makeshift Suit (Spider-Man: Homecoming)

MCU Peter’s first Spider-costume is actually one he made himself. Aesthetically, it’s not dissimilar from his suit in the 2002 Spider-Man movie. After all, it has that same homemade look. However, it’s plain and boring next to the suits Tony Stark gives him, therefore it isn’t making it far up our list. Still, props go to those homemade

9) Human Spider (Spider-Man)

In the original Amazing Fantasy #15 that debuted the web-slinger, Peter is the one who comes up with the Spider-Man moniker (“It’s a name as good as any other!” being his reasoning!). However, in Sam Raimi’s 2002 flick, the name’s origin lies with the unnamed wrestling announcer played by Bruce Campbell, after he mocks Peter’s ‘The Human Spider’ name. The makeshift outfit is as bland and uninspiring as Peter’s name idea – but at least we can believe Peter made this one, unlike its extravagant successor.

8) Iron Spider (MCU’s Infinity War and onwards)

Many will disagree, but I think the Iron Spider outfit sucks because its metallic finish and imposing symbol make it look like something out of Power Rangers. Also, its hidden giant spider-arms are a bit overkill. Such technologically advanced chicanery is unbecoming of a friendly neighbourhood hero. And, admittedly, the shade of red used in a bit off, too.

7) Night Monkey (Far From Home)

The Night Monkey suit ranks low because it just isn’t Spider-Man. It seemingly takes inspiration from Spider-Man Noir, whose suit is just as lacking in the design department. Luckily, this boring all-black suit is used only briefly in Far From Home before Peter goes back to the Upgraded Stark Suit.

6) Hammond’s Suit (Spider-Man 1977)

Hammond’s suit isn’t bad, especially for the first live-action portrayal of Spider-Man. It boasts the bright and appealing colors of the ’60s comics, even if the eyepieces look a tad dark and awkward. Also, rather than the traditional ‘socks’ Spidey wears, Hammond dons red boots that look strangely out of place. His web-shooter and belt are also guilty of this.

6) Japanese Spider-Man (Spider-Man, 1978)

Released only a year after the American TV Show starring Nicholas Hammond, the Japanese Spidey show bears a similar-looking costume to boot. However, it wins out by a margin because the eyepieces are sharper and more intimidating and it lacks the incongruous belt of the US show. It’ll be interesting to see Japanese Spidey return in the Spider-Verse movie sequel.

5)  Upgraded Suit (Far From Home/No Way Home)

MCU Peter’s second costume exudes a bit of classic John Romita, but while it’s definitely cool, it’s not as good as the Homecoming version. The paler red and choice of black over blue is lame in comparison to the Homecoming design. That said, props to its creative glove design and keeping the Romita-esque eyepieces.

4) Andrew Garfield’s Second Spider-Suit (Amazing Spider-Man 2)

ASM2 is a visual warning of what happens when greedy executives are more interested in starting a shared universe than they are in telling an effective story. But there are admittedly some good things to come out of the movie. One of these is Garfield’s second spider-suit, which takes cues from Maguire’s in terms of aesthetic, albeit with bigger, wider eyepieces.

3) Andrew Garfield’s First Real Spider-Suit (Amazing Spider-Man,)

This might be controversial among Spider-Man fans, but we’re placing Garfield’s ASM1 suit steps ahead of the second film’s update. Why you ask? Everything from its subdued colors, yellow eyepieces, and waist design feel like a fresh take on the web-slinger. It feels very parkour-ish and sporty too, feeling believable as a costume a skateboard-loving teen would design.

2) Stark Suit (Captain America: Civil War, Spider-Man: Homecoming)

The MCU Spider-Man movies get a lot of flak for having Peter rely so much on Stark Tech in his adventures. But regardless of what side of the fence you sit here, you must admit the Stark Suit looks great. Long-time comic nerds know that the suit takes cues from John Romita Sr.’s illustrations – both in the mask’s eyes and web-lines, but also in its attractive bright colors. It’s a shame Pete hasn’t returned to this style since.

1) Tobey Maguire’s Suit (Spider-Man 1-3)

Sam Raimi’s beloved movie trilogy is arguably the best Spider-Man movie out there. The fact that the wall-crawler dons the best movie suit in said movies certainly doesn’t hurt this claim. Boasting large, imposing eyes and a slim but intimidating spider symbol, one wonders how Peter crafted such a sleek suit in-universe. Regardless, it remains a snazzy, modernized version of the classic Spider-suit we know and love.

But alas, this ranking is just one opinion. Out of all of these, what do you believe are the best Spider-Man live-action movie suits? Be prepared to see many of these suits return in the upcoming Spider-Man: No Way Home, hitting theaters on December 17.